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The advantages of hiring interior designer Margarida Bugarim.

Margarida Bugarim is an interior designer who specializes in designing spaces according to a set of rules, in order to find the best solutions that make the environment functional, aesthetically aligned and comfortable.

Each client is unique, has their own personality and way of life, and each space has its own individual characteristics and functions. Given this diversity of characteristics, the interior designer has the ability and all the necessary tools to create the right solution for each client and each space, focusing on innovation and originality, turning the process of creating a space into a differentiated, high-quality experience.

Interior designer Margarida Bugarim has in-depth knowledge of subjects such as space and its proportions, history and design. In addition, the interior designer spends much of her time traveling, visiting fairs and looking for new suppliers, new bets, new trends and solutions, which gives her an unparalleled knowledge of the market and is very advantageous in presenting the most diverse solutions.


“The knowledge acquired, creativity and the ability to work with spaces are undoubtedly fundamental skills for an interior designer, but it is no less important for me as an interior designer that we have the ability to be good 'psychologists' to help and correctly interpret what the client wants and needs.”

says interior designer Margarida Bugarim.

The interior designer often has to analyze the client's indecisions, unravel and align their different ideas and help them choose the best solution. The interior designer is undoubtedly an ally who guides the client in the right direction, who shows them another perspective, who encourages them to take risks with original solutions and who makes any problem less of a challenge. By turning to interior designer Margarida Bugarim, mistakes or uncontrolled purchases are avoided by setting priorities and balancing expenses. Everything is purchased in one place without the worry of managing orders and deliveries, with the certainty that the personalization and choice of pieces is right.


It's also important to understand that hiring an interior designer, Margarida Bugarim, with her own studio is different from buying furniture directly from a store. There, like an atelier, you may have the assistance of an interior designer who will give you a sketch of how your house will look, but it will be someone who has to stick to the catalog in the store, focusing on selling furniture and not on personalization and customer interest. It's someone who has knowledge of computer programs but doesn't have the experience of different suppliers, galleries and workshops. The spaces created are warehouses of furniture put in order with no soul, no experience, no adaptation to the client's style and no out-of-the-box, differentiating object. The client will see a basic, incomplete 3D project and will never be able to get a true sense of the whole, since they won't have the facility to buy all the pieces in one place.

Interior designer Margarida Bugarim is often contacted by people who have gone to the stores to furnish their home and have concluded that they haven't gotten the result they were hoping for, still feeling that the environment isn't complete, valued and lived in. It turns out that at this stage there is very little that can be done and it is not possible to obtain the result of a project worked on from scratch by an interior designer. A decoration by interior designer Margarida Bugarim is much more than choosing trendy and beautiful pieces that coordinate with each other. At her studio, the interior designer works from the ground up to achieve a distinctive end result. Interior designer Margarida Bugarim's imagination knows no bounds. For each project, the interior designer carries out surgical research to find the right piece to give character and personality to the environment, acquiring objects in the most diverse places such as art galleries, antique shops, artisans who work exclusively for the interior designer, or national and foreign fairs. 




In other words, choosing to hire a qualified interior designer is synonymous with a huge qualitative benefit! It means having a team of creative interior designers with in-depth knowledge of the various areas that make up architecture and interior design at your disposal to help you organize your spaces and develop a project specifically for you, according to your tastes and real needs. The interior designer relieves you of a hundred tasks and manages the project according to best practice.

More than a realistic 3D project, Margarida Bugarim's interior design team carries out surprising interior design projects where creativity and differentiation are the hallmarks, transforming environments into homes with soul, homes that are lived in, homes with a true story to tell, yours.